Welcome to Hand in Hand
Breaking the chain of poverty in young East African lives
There's a problem...
Young people born into difficult circumstances are being left destitute because they didn’t get the guidance and the tools they needed to have a different say about their future.
"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40
People like you are joining hands so they can go on a journey of:
Supporting children with their educational needs from pre-primary to university
Explore EducationTraining
Giving the opportunity to learn skills which will lead to good employment prospects
Explore TrainingEmpowerment
Equipping our partners, students and families with methods that lead to self-sustainability.
Explore EmpowermentAnd through this journey, you are impacting at least
young lives right this minute

Long-term local partnerships + long-term solutions = long-term impact for young people
Our youngest partnership to date is 13 years old