Hand in Hand Registered in Kenya

To improve support for our partner projects in East Africa, East African Manager employed

In order to operate effectively within the country we needed to register as a Non Government Organisation(NGO) there. Unfortunately we could not use the name Hand in Hand as there is already another charity operating under that name in Kenya. So a new name was needed. Joining Hands Together Africa was the outcome of our thinking. Maybe not the catchiest name but hopefully conveys some of the thinking behind our work.

The process of registering a charity is not straight forward any where but in Kenya it seems to have taken forever. However nearly a year later we have an official certificate to say we are registered. We hope this means that over time we will be able to access other resources within Kenya and be able to network within the country with other organisations for the benefit of our project partners.

Our base is in the heart of Nairobi. A supportive Kenyan Business has provided office space at a substantially reduced rate in this prime location. Thank you Peter for your generosity and support in so many ways.